Work Samples


The Names We Take — Editorial Note (PDF)
When the author sent me The Names We Take, it was—by her own admission—a few steps beyond a first draft. My editorial note focused on issues of characterization and verisimilitude in addition to addressing a few relatively big plot holes.


Odsburg Line Edit — Editorial Note (PDF)
Odsburg was my first time leading a developmental edit on a live manuscript for Ooligan Press. As the managing editor, I led a team of two other editors in providing extensive developmental feedback to the author, Matt Tompkins. This is the note I sent to him.

Odsburg — Heavy Copyedit (PDF)
Matt is a professional copyeditor, so Odsburg was pretty clean. However, he comes from an AP style background, so much of my editing work involved making the manuscript adhere to Chicago style. This is a sample of the heavy copyedit I performed on one section of the book. I also have an example of this section edited using hand markings.


The Names We Take — Editorial Note (PDF)
When the author sent me The Names We Take, it was—by her own admission—a few steps beyond a first draft. My editorial note focused on issues of characterization and verisimilitude in addition to addressing a few relatively big plot holes.


Odsburg Line Edit — Editorial Note (PDF)
Odsburg was my first time leading a developmental edit on a live manuscript for Ooligan Press. As the managing editor, I led a team of two other editors in providing extensive developmental feedback to the author, Matt Tompkins. This is the note I sent to him.

Odsburg — Heavy Copyedit (PDF)

Matt is a professional copyeditor, so Odsburg was pretty clean. However, he comes from an AP style background, so much of my editing work involved making the manuscript adhere to Chicago style. This is a sample of the heavy copyedit I performed on one section of the book. I also have an example of this section edited using hand markings.
